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Dimension and Weight

Height:276mm     Weight:40kg     Size:465mm*545mm*276mm


Product Specifications

Model Hermes Robot Base
Core Feature SLAMWARE? Localization and Navigation
Features Metric Value
Dimension and Weight Length × Width 465mm*545mm
Height 276mm(excludes controller)
Net Weight 40kg
Rated Load 50kg

Max Load

(Flat Concrete Surface)

Sensor Performance LIDAR Model RPLIDAR S2(Dtof)
Scanning Radius

0.05-30m (90% reflectivity, white objects)

0.05-10m (10% reflectivity, black objects)

Distance Accuracy ±30mm
Depth Camera Quantity 2
Detection Range 0.3m – 2m
Field of View (FOV) H:146.6±3°; V:117.7±3°
Magnetic Sensor Quantity 2
Max Detection Range 35mm
Bumper Quantity 2
Trigger Mode Physical Collisions
Detection Range 0.3-0.5cm
Detectable Minimum Force 8N
Mapping performance Map Resolution 50mm
Max Mapping Area 300m x 300m(5cm map resolution)
Maximum Operating Area 100,000 ㎡(5cm map resolution)
Mobility Performance Maximum Moving speed 1.2m/s(Customizable to 1.5m/s)
Default Moving Speed 0.7m/s
Max Cross Slope 10° Slope: Max slope angle of chassis: 10°; Slope = 18% × Ramp; The height of the full-machine mass center is within 18 cm, and the safety ramp within 10°. (A 100% slope means a 45° ramp, whose height difference for 100 m is 100 m.)
Vertical Crossing Height 2cm(Full-load)
Horizontal Crossing Width 4cm(Full-load)
Min Path Width (robot base) 75cm
Alignment Accuracy(AVG) ±5cm
Alignment Accuracy(MAX) ±8cm
Min Point to Point Angle ±3.0°
Multi-Robots Obstacles Avoidance Supports up to 3 robots in the same scene
LORA Module( Standard )
Wheelset Wheelset Parameters 7NM 6.5 Inch In-Wheel-Motor*2

2.5 Inch Industrial Universal Wheel*2;

3 Inch Auxiliary Wheel*2(Front)

User Interface Hardware Interface Power Connector DC 24V 10A
4G Support 4G module (paid customization)
Audio 1 × 3.5mm headset socket; 1 × LINE_OUT audio jack
Network Interface Ethernet Ethernet;1*RJ45 Gigabit Ethernet port
Wi-Fi 2.4GHz/5GHz
Software Interface SLAMWARE? SDK2.0 HTTP APIs support different programming languages and platforms, such as Windows, iOS, Android, and Linux
Ethernet Wi-Fi Network environment without authentication
4G Supports 4G SIM cards from domestic and international carriers (customized according to needs)
Battery and Capacity Capacity Specification 24V 20AH (Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery)
No-load Operating Time >10H(No-load,Ambient Temperature Environment)
Full-load Operating Time 8H(80KG,Ambient Temperature Environment)
Charging Time 3~3.5 h
Battery Life 2000times
Power Consumption Standby Power Consumption 32W(No-load)
Full-load Rated Power Consumption (80kg) 62W(Full-load)
Max Power Consumption with External Load 240W
Noise Operating Noise Level ≤60dB
Operating Environment Operating Temperature 0℃~40℃
Transport and Storage Temperature -25-+55℃
Operating Humidity 20~90%rh
Operating Altitude ≤2000m
Model Hermes Pro Max Robot Base
Core Feature SLAMWARE? Localization and Navigation
Features Metric Value
Dimension and Weight Length × Width 465mm*545mm
Height 276mm(excludes controller)
Net Weight 40kg(excludes controller)
Rated Load 50kg

Max Load

(Flat Concrete Surface)

Sensor Performance LIDAR Model RPLIDARS S2P(Dtof)
Scanning Radius

0.05-50m (90% reflectivity, white objects)

0.05-10m (10% reflectivity, black objects)

Distance Accuracy ±30mm
Depth Camera Quantity 2(can add1)
Detection Range 0.3m – 2m
Field of View (FOV) H:146.6±3°; V:117.7±3°
Precise Docking of Cameras Docking Accuracy ±1.5cm
Docking Angle ±1.0°
Magnetic Sensor Quantity 2
Max Detection Range 35mm
Bumper Quantity 2
Trigger Mode Physical Collisions
Trigger Distance 0.3-0.5cm
Detectable Minimum Force 8N
Mapping performance Map Resolution 15mm
Max Mapping Area

500m x 500m(5cm map resolution)

350m x 350m(1.5cm map resolution)

Motion Performance Maximum Moving speed 1.2m/s (Customizable to 1.5m/s)
Default Moving Speed 1m/s
Max Cross Slope 10° Slope: Max slope angle of chassis: 10°; Slope = 18% × Ramp; The height of the full-machine mass center is within 18 cm, and the safety ramp within 10°. (A 100% slope means a 45° ramp, whose height difference for 100 m is 100 m.)
Vertical Crossing Height 20mm(Full-load)
Horizontal Crossing Width 40mm(Full-load)
Min Path Width (robot base) 750mm
Alignment Accuracy(AVG) ±2cm
Alignment Accuracy(MAX) ±4cm
Min Point to Point Angle ±1.0°
Multi-Robots Obstacles Avoidance Supports up to 3 robots in the same scene
LORA Module( Standard )
Wheelset Wheelset Parameters 7NM 6.5 Inch In-Wheel-Motor*2
2.5 Inch Industrial Universal Wheel*2;3 Inch Auxiliary Wheel*2(Front)
User Interface Hardware Interface Power Connector DC 24V 10A
4G Support 4G module (paid customization)
Audio 1 × 3.5mm headset socket;1 × LINE_out audio jack
Network Interface Ethernet Ethernet;2*RJ45 Gigabit Ethernet port
Wi-Fi 2.4GHz/5GHz
Software Interface SLAMWARE? SDK2.0 HTTP APIs support different programming languages and platforms, such as Windows, iOS, Android, and Linux
Ethernet Wi-Fi Network environment without authentication
4G Supports 4G SIM cards from domestic and international carriers (customized according to needs)
Battery and Capacity Capacity Specification 24V 30AH Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery (Standand)
No-load Operating Time >20H(No-load)
Full-load Operating Time >12H
Charging Time 3~3.5h(Fast charging station)
Battery Life 2000times
Power Consumption Standby Power Consumption 48W(No-load)
Full-load Rated Power Consumption (80kg) 78W(Full-load)
Max Power Consumption with External Load 240W
Noise Operating Noise Level ≤60dB
Operating Environment Operating Temperature 0℃~40℃
Transport and Storage Temperature -25-+55℃
Operating Humidity 20~90%rh(No condensation)
Operating Altitude ≤2000m
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